Tuesday, 28 February 2017

A visit from West Norfolk Deaf Association

Tonight 2nd Downham Market (St Edmund's) Guides had a visit from Sarah from the West Norfolk Deaf Association.  She came to tell us more about the work of the charity and the services they provide.  Those who are local to Downham will know that the WNDA have recently opened a book shop in Downham Market and are planning to open another of their charity shops very soon.  But what you might not know is that these shops also provide a service to the deaf community, particularly by servicing hearing aids.  The charity is a very local charity and survives on donations and funding bids - you can find out more here

Sarah gave us some tips for communicating with deaf people, including reminding us to speak normally and not exaggerate.  Exaggeration changes the way our lips and facial expressions look and can cause confusion.  She also said we should stand still when talking to a deaf person and make sure they have a clear view of our faces, we should be aware of the light and make sure we are not in silhouette.  Towards the end of the evening we learnt some British Sign Language, including how to finger spell our names and some commonly used signs - many of which can be found on YouTube.

Thank you to Sarah for coming along and we hope to see some of our readers supporting the WNDA shop x

Monday, 27 February 2017

Flippin' good fun!

1st Downham Market Guides tried their hand at making pancakes. Each patrol had a different set of ingredients:

·         homemade with milk, flour and eggs,
·         Batter mix in a packet – just add water
·         Batter mix in a bottle, just add and egg and water
·         Basic 30p batter mix – add water.

The homemade came first closely followed by the basic 30p batter mix.
We all had a flippin’ good time!

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Looking forward to Poacher

Later this year, Girls from 1st and 2nd Downham Market Guides and the Senior Section will be heading off to Poacher - an international Guide and Scout Jamboree in Lincoln, described as the 'Adventure of a Lifetime'.  Today we had our first meeting about what to expect, what to take and what we are looking forward to.  There was lots of talk about showers and toilets - we will be hoping to shower more than once and that the toilets don't block!  There was also more positive discussion about activities and entertainment, it sounds really exciting!  Most of all we are looking forward to trying new things with our Guiding friends and to meeting lots of new people to share our adventures with.  This is the first of many Poacher blogs as we build up to the week long camp and of course, we will be blogging from the sight - so watch this space!

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Surf Smart Sleepover

On Friday 10th February, girls from 1st and 2nd Downham Market Guides were very lucky to be able to have a sleepover in St Edmund's Church.  We love a sleepover in this District and we are always looking for new places to spend the night, so we were very pleased to sleep in the Church, which is an incredibly old and incredibly beautiful building.  Some of the Guides thought that sleeping in the Church might be quite creepy - especially with the tombstones just outside - but it was actually very peaceful and we all got more sleep than we expected.

Whilst on the sleepover, we worked towards our Surf Smart Badge, a resource produced by WAGGS.  The resource had loads of fantastic games and activities which clearly illustrated some of the risks of being online.  We weren't trying to put anyone off of using the internet but wanted everyone to think a little more carefully about their security online.  Here's what some of the girls said:

Anna G "I found sleeping slightly weird at first but once I had been asleep and rested I enjoyed it.  I liked being where we were and we were all nice and snuggly"

Lauren "At first it was a bit creepy but once I got used to it, it was quite nice because there was lots of things to look at, so eventually I fell asleep.  It was super cosy"

Katie "It was actually really warm once you got into your sleeping bag.  I really liked the blindfolded 'follow the leader' because it was a fun way to show how little you know about the dangers of a website"

Eden and Savannah "We enjoyed Block It, where everyone was blindfolded and held onto a piece of string.  The person in front sent directions to you.  We enjoyed the Church because it was clean and cosy.  We got to play games such as the toothpaste game and we wrote about the positives and negatives of the internet.  We made safe passwords.

Anna R, Katie C and Mia F "It was very cosy but quite cold even though the heating was on.  It wasn't creepy at all but some Guides wouldn't stop talking through the night.  We talked about internet safety and what happens when you are not safe online.  The badge was really fun!  We learned a lot of things in a fun, productive way and without scaring ourselves."

Connie, Caitlin and Anya "The activities were fun and quick so we could move onto the next one quickly.  It was cold but luckily we had lots of blankets.  We tried to get to sleep but people kept waking us up by talking"

Holly "I enjoyed sleeping in the Church because it was clean and well looked after.  We played lots of games and made a poster about the positives and negatives of the internet"

Lucy, Katrina and Megan "It was chilly but fun and beautiful.  We met new(ish) people"

Stephanie, Amber and Emma A "It was squished and freezing!  Noisy but exciting and enjoyable"

Georgina and Erin "Thank you to leaders and Father Mather for a good night and for letting us sleep in the Church.  We laughed very much, the badge was fun"

All in all, it was a huge amount of fun and at the end of the sleepover we made our internet promises - we all pledged to stay safer online by doing different things for example checking our privacy settings, improving our passwords and spending less time on our phones.

Of course, that doesn't include reading the Clack Close Blog... :)

See you next time x

Welcome to our new blog!

Hello to friends, sister Guides and generally interested readers - welcome to our new blog!  We are Clack Close District which can be found in Downham Market, Norfolk, UK.  We are very lucky in our District to have so many young women involved in Girlguiding, from Rainbows through to Senior Section there is a general excitement and enjoyment of Guiding, in fact take a look at our Twitter feed to see what we have been up to recently.

2017 is going to be another fantastic year for us, so we have decided to record some of our adventures here.  Posts will be written by girls from all Sections and Leaders will have input too - if there is anything you'd like to see here, do let us know.

So we hope to get to know you through our blog and for you to find out more about us.  Do follow, share and comment but please be nice - it makes the World a happier place!

Camp 2016